The prodigious hitter is the future, but the present has some issues.
Tag: Pablo Sandoval
In Defense of Depth
Who’s to blame for the stunning lack of depth at third base?
Hell At The Hot Corner
Third basemen. Who needs ‘em, huh? (The Red Sox. They need them.)
Hope For The Hard-Hitting Sox
The offense hasn’t been amazing, but the quality contact suggests the runs are coming.
What Could Go Wrong: 2017 Red Sox Edition
Lets get pessimistic.
The 5 Highest-Risk Red Sox of 2017
Which five Red Sox players carry the most risk heading into the season?
What Should the Red Sox Do with Brock Holt?
Where’s the best place for Brock Holt to play in 2017?
PECOTA and the Panda
PECOTA’s projection for the third baseman seems low – until you see the context.
5 Spring Training Stories You’ll Grow to Hate
Let’s just beat ‘em to the punch.
Read Sox: This Week Was Way Less Exciting
All’s quiet on the eastern front.